Neutral Position Adjustment is Pinky + Trigger?

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Neutral Position Adjustment is Pinky + Trigger?

Post by Arkku »


I have the F18CGRH v2. It seems that the neutral position adjustment (NPA) on this stick on the R3L mk2 base is triggered (…) by pressing Pinky + Trigger (first detent). I think this is a really bad combination as it is easy to do by mistake, and I don't see the manual referring to this combo. (It seems to be written for the F16 grip.)

Is it possible to change this combination? The pinky switch is in a prime position to use for various functions, but if this means there is a risk of accidentally doing NPA, the button can't be used. This feels like a downgrade compared to the Thrustmaster grip, that is more configurable in this regard.
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