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Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat grip?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:16 am
by Forgotten Spectrum

I'm an owner of a FSSB R3 and I couldn't be happier with it. However, as someone that plays more space sim than flight sim games I'd love a dedicated space combat grip. Such grips are becoming increasing popular in the sim arena as both Virpil and VKB have either developed or are in the process of developing such grips. It's probably wishful thinking as Real Simulator seems to be more focused on flight sims, however, it would be great if you at least considered such an option as it would fill a hole in your upcoming line-up of flight dedicated grips. Thanks.


Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:39 pm
by Dragon
In the TODO list ;-)

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:56 am
by Forgotten Spectrum
Dragon wrote:In the TODO list ;-)
Awesome. That's great news. Thanks for letting me know!

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:17 am
by Romulus Stahl
What exactly is a "space combat grip"?

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:51 am
by Forgotten Spectrum
Romulus Stahl wrote:What exactly is a "space combat grip"?
Some examples: ... tand-alone ... tegory/25/ ... -grip.html

They're primarily used in outer space games such as Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. With the huge resurgence in space based games, there's definitely money to be made in producing a grip that caters to this crowd.

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:03 pm
by Romulus Stahl
These are grips that a company tagged as space combat grips, is any grip not modeled after a real world grip then a space flight grip? How does a space flight grip differentiate from a modern aircraft grip? RS has been working on LH grips based on input from the space sim company, to date not enough have been preorderd to complete the production.

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:15 pm
by Forgotten Spectrum
Romulus Stahl wrote:These are grips that a company tagged as space combat grips, is any grip not modeled after a real world grip then a space flight grip? How does a space flight grip differentiate from a modern aircraft grip?
That's a good question. There isn't a huge difference between a space grip and one designed for modern military aircraft but here are some distinctions as I see them:

-A more futuristic design to the grip
-The presence of LEDs - sometimes useful, sometimes just for that futuristic look
-A mini analogue stick for menu navigation
-A scroll wheel - once again for menu navigation
-Right and left hand variants for those that wish to use dual sticks - generally considered a better setup for space sims than using a throttle

Romulus Stahl wrote:RS has been working on LH grips based on input from the space sim company, to date not enough have been preorderd to complete the production.
That's very interesting. Where exactly do you get this information that Real Simulator is working on these grips? I haven't seen any links on their website for such a preorder. Of course, I'd be interested in a RH rather than LH grip.

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:22 pm
by Romulus Stahl
You are misreading things a bit, LH F16 and LH F18 have been in the works for a few years now based to some degree on dual stick input from the sim community not "Space Grips".

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:25 pm
by Forgotten Spectrum
Romulus Stahl wrote:You are misreading things a bit, LH F16 and LH F18 have been in the works for a few years now based to some degree on dual stick input from the sim community not "Space Grips".
I see, thanks for clarifying that. It would be good to have those variants, but I would personally much prefer a dedicated space grip with a scroll wheel, ministick, leds, etc. Also, even though it may not be the ideal control scheme for a space ship, I actually prefer a throttle on the left side. Anyway, thanks again for your input.

Re: Any chance Real Simulator will develop a space combat gr

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:36 pm
by Romulus Stahl
To clarify something as well.
"A mini analogue stick for menu navigation
-A scroll wheel - once again for menu navigation "
Analog stick (axis) and scroll wheels (rotary encoders) inputs don't get you anything for menus, the existing setups having been navigating menus for years on RL planes.
If you are looking for additional axis or mousing function it can be done but rapidly increases pricing as decent controls are costly, a decent mini stick will run you more than an entry level joystick.