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Keystrokes issue

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:56 am
by Shark

I open this thread to inform about some issues with the key input binding found by Supmua, whom I want to take the opportunity to thank again for their exceptional work and time dedication.

This issues have relation with the special character binding of US Keyboard, and could happen in other keyboards, although they don't happen in our Spanish keyboard.

If someone finds these or other issues with keyboards of other countries, please add them to this thread.

I paste directly his post for the genereal knowledge.
The released firmware is still with issues with special character bindings (US keyboard). I spent a lot of time mapping out what's correct and incorrect.

; is [
[ is -
] is =
\ is `
/ is \
- is /
= is ]
? is |
| is ~
_ is ?
+ is }
{ is _
} is +
: is {
` is ;

' is '
, is ,
. is .
" is "
< is <
> is >

For example, in DCS if I want to bind "RCTL+;" I have to press "RCTL+`" in the Tool app for this command to execute correctly in game or notepad.
Best regards,
