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Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:37 am
by David_Dionne
My guess is, without the TM board, ur stuff isn’t natively supported by TARGET. And target is spectacular. Initially, I hated it, that is until I actually looked at it. It C, and that makes it epic...if there’s anyway to get ur stick supported by it, that would be wonderful.

I mainly play Elite Dangerous and I use a customized version of aussidroids excellent script. It does sooo so much in game stuff, much of which is on the stick, and with your stick, I would love to add so much more. I realize I’ll be able to keep all the throttle stuff regardless, but having the stick integrated would be something really special.

Re: Target

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 9:40 am
by Dragon
Really Target its not a free DX software, maybe I am in an error, but only work with TM hardware, so would be necesary, simulate that our hardware its a TM hardware, and look like a not legal ;-)

Maybe there are some other free or open software to manage HIDs, just as teh DX information its open and free.

Anycase, we have in the TODO list, continue upgrading the R3L and Grip software.

Thanks a lot for your post