Firmware MJF.FW.1.02.0
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:02 am
The Moderm Jet Figthers firmware improve the FSSB R3 Warthog features focused in those kind of planes.
This is the features list in the MJF.FW.1.02.0 release.
The wish list for the MJF.FW.1.03.0 will be open soon.
New in 1.02.0
.-DX button sets 2 and 3
Buttons 1 to 32 in DX ------- Direct access
Buttons 33 to 64 in DX ------- Pinky access
Buttons 65 to 96 in DX ------- Paddle access
.-DX buttons sets 2 and 3 control On/Off
.-Memory Slots
.-AutoCharge of Memory Slot 1 if available
Final MJF.FW.1.02.0 Special Modes Specifications
Special Modes Menu(SMM)Launcher
Now you can choose between Paddle+Pinky and CMS centre
How its work.
Press Paddle + Pinky -> beep beep -> press CMS centre -> CMS Centre is now the SMM launcher.
Press CMS Centre -> beep beep -> press Paddle + Pinky -> Paddle + Pinky is now the SMM launcher.
Neutral Position Adjustmen (NPA)
NPA let you in flight time, adjust or compensate any possible fisical distorsion in the gravity vector over you FSSB R3
How its Work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Trigger1 left the stick alone and wait until the sounds finish
The HAT switch can be modified at any time to behave like a POV (default) or trim command.This allows during the use of the joystick, the HAT control the views or submit your information to 4 HID buttons for use as TRIM, that is their function in real life
How its Work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press HAT Up -> HAT as POV (Default)
Press HAT Down -> HAT as TRIM control over DX buttons 20, 21, 22 and 23
Full Scale Control (FSC)
With the FSC you can control the full deflection of your control surfaces (if you are using a plane, or full wheels angle in case of a truck or car) in 4 levels using the DMS 4 ways switch.
How its work.
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
press DMS Up -> 4:4 Full range (default)
press DMS Right -> 3:4 Full range
press DMS Dw -> 2:4 Full range
press DMS Left -> 1:4 Full range
ROLL and PITCH Sensibility control.
Now TMS control Sensibility in Roll and Pitch axles, Roll directly and Pitch with the addition of Paddle.
How its work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Now if Paddle pressed
press Paddle + TMS Up -> Pitch to Combat Mode (too agresive) 4 pound full deflection
press Paddle + TMS Right -> Pitch to Normal Mode about 6 pounds full deflection (default)
press Paddle + TMS Down -> Pitch to Smooth Mode about 9 pounds full deflection
press Paddle + TMS Left -> Pitch to too Smooth Mode about 13 pounds full deflection
Paddle not pressed
press TMS Up -> Roll to Combat Mode (too agresive) Less than 2,5 pound full deflection
press TMS Right -> Roll to Normal Mode about 4,5 pounds full deflection (default)
press TMS Down -> Roll to Smooth Mode about 6,5 pounds full deflection
press TMS Left -> Roll to too Smooth Mode about 13 pounds full deflection
Launching the Zeroize you will reset all variables to default values.
How its work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Trigger2 -> Zeroize this set all variables to default values.
Second and third DX buttons set. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Added a second and third DX buttons set
How its work.
First DX button set, available as normal, that is directly
Second DX button set, available with Pinky (button 3) switch pressed. include all buttons 1 to 19 less buttons 3(pinky) and 4(paddle) plus 19,20,21 and 22 Hat Switch
Third DX button set, available with Paddle (button 4) switch pressed. include all buttons 1 to 19 less buttons 3(pinky) and 4(paddle) plus 19,20,21 and 22 Hat Switch
Memory Slots. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Added four memory slots, to save custom configuration, "Memory Slot" make custom option of the R3 handling very comfortable to use in flight = 2 actions (enter SMM mode + one button press) select a large bunch of parameters.
How its work
To program a profile (save the configuration in the slot)
Configure the R3 as you like even SMM, and:
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Paddle and hold it pressed.
Press CMS in one way for two seconds.
UP -> Slot 1.
RIGHT -> Slot 2.
DOWN -> Slot 3.
LEFT -> Slot 4.
To recover a profile (load data from the slot and configure the R3)
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press CMS in one way for two seconds.
UP -> Slot 1.
RIGHT -> Slot 2.
DOWN -> Slot 3.
LEFT -> Slot 4.
DX aux button set ON/OFF -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Second and third DX buttons, can be turned ON and OFF if needed. To aboid conflict when used with external or internal mapping tools.
How its work.
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Paddle + HAT Right two seconds. DesActivate DX buttons set 2 and 3.
Press HAT Right two seconds. Activate DX buttons set 2 and 3.
Autoload Memory Slot 1 in StartUp secuence. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
When system power up, auto load the Memory slot 1 if available.
This allow user to have a custom start configuration.
Hope you enjoy the news features.
This is the features list in the MJF.FW.1.02.0 release.
The wish list for the MJF.FW.1.03.0 will be open soon.
New in 1.02.0
.-DX button sets 2 and 3
Buttons 1 to 32 in DX ------- Direct access
Buttons 33 to 64 in DX ------- Pinky access
Buttons 65 to 96 in DX ------- Paddle access
.-DX buttons sets 2 and 3 control On/Off
.-Memory Slots
.-AutoCharge of Memory Slot 1 if available
Final MJF.FW.1.02.0 Special Modes Specifications
Special Modes Menu(SMM)Launcher
Now you can choose between Paddle+Pinky and CMS centre
How its work.
Press Paddle + Pinky -> beep beep -> press CMS centre -> CMS Centre is now the SMM launcher.
Press CMS Centre -> beep beep -> press Paddle + Pinky -> Paddle + Pinky is now the SMM launcher.
Neutral Position Adjustmen (NPA)
NPA let you in flight time, adjust or compensate any possible fisical distorsion in the gravity vector over you FSSB R3
How its Work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Trigger1 left the stick alone and wait until the sounds finish
The HAT switch can be modified at any time to behave like a POV (default) or trim command.This allows during the use of the joystick, the HAT control the views or submit your information to 4 HID buttons for use as TRIM, that is their function in real life
How its Work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press HAT Up -> HAT as POV (Default)
Press HAT Down -> HAT as TRIM control over DX buttons 20, 21, 22 and 23
Full Scale Control (FSC)
With the FSC you can control the full deflection of your control surfaces (if you are using a plane, or full wheels angle in case of a truck or car) in 4 levels using the DMS 4 ways switch.
How its work.
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
press DMS Up -> 4:4 Full range (default)
press DMS Right -> 3:4 Full range
press DMS Dw -> 2:4 Full range
press DMS Left -> 1:4 Full range
ROLL and PITCH Sensibility control.
Now TMS control Sensibility in Roll and Pitch axles, Roll directly and Pitch with the addition of Paddle.
How its work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Now if Paddle pressed
press Paddle + TMS Up -> Pitch to Combat Mode (too agresive) 4 pound full deflection
press Paddle + TMS Right -> Pitch to Normal Mode about 6 pounds full deflection (default)
press Paddle + TMS Down -> Pitch to Smooth Mode about 9 pounds full deflection
press Paddle + TMS Left -> Pitch to too Smooth Mode about 13 pounds full deflection
Paddle not pressed
press TMS Up -> Roll to Combat Mode (too agresive) Less than 2,5 pound full deflection
press TMS Right -> Roll to Normal Mode about 4,5 pounds full deflection (default)
press TMS Down -> Roll to Smooth Mode about 6,5 pounds full deflection
press TMS Left -> Roll to too Smooth Mode about 13 pounds full deflection
Launching the Zeroize you will reset all variables to default values.
How its work
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Trigger2 -> Zeroize this set all variables to default values.
Second and third DX buttons set. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Added a second and third DX buttons set
How its work.
First DX button set, available as normal, that is directly
Second DX button set, available with Pinky (button 3) switch pressed. include all buttons 1 to 19 less buttons 3(pinky) and 4(paddle) plus 19,20,21 and 22 Hat Switch
Third DX button set, available with Paddle (button 4) switch pressed. include all buttons 1 to 19 less buttons 3(pinky) and 4(paddle) plus 19,20,21 and 22 Hat Switch
Memory Slots. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Added four memory slots, to save custom configuration, "Memory Slot" make custom option of the R3 handling very comfortable to use in flight = 2 actions (enter SMM mode + one button press) select a large bunch of parameters.
How its work
To program a profile (save the configuration in the slot)
Configure the R3 as you like even SMM, and:
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Paddle and hold it pressed.
Press CMS in one way for two seconds.
UP -> Slot 1.
RIGHT -> Slot 2.
DOWN -> Slot 3.
LEFT -> Slot 4.
To recover a profile (load data from the slot and configure the R3)
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press CMS in one way for two seconds.
UP -> Slot 1.
RIGHT -> Slot 2.
DOWN -> Slot 3.
LEFT -> Slot 4.
DX aux button set ON/OFF -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
Second and third DX buttons, can be turned ON and OFF if needed. To aboid conflict when used with external or internal mapping tools.
How its work.
Press SMM launcher whatever it be (CMS center or Paddle + Pinky)
Press Paddle + HAT Right two seconds. DesActivate DX buttons set 2 and 3.
Press HAT Right two seconds. Activate DX buttons set 2 and 3.
Autoload Memory Slot 1 in StartUp secuence. -New in MJF.FW.1.02.0 -
When system power up, auto load the Memory slot 1 if available.
This allow user to have a custom start configuration.
Hope you enjoy the news features.